I got myself one of these barrel bags and I absolutely love it. It is so versatile. It holds all my paraphernalia, snacks, toys, books etc that I need to carry around for the kids. As such it makes a great carry on bag when travelling. When next I visit Tenby in Wales I know that his will be my beachbag of choice. Great also as a general tote bag especially since I carry around my own shopping bags when out and about getting what I need.
The bag is made by Where and I must say it is well made. As well as practical, it is also a very attractive bag made of 100% cotton using a unique 70's inspired flower print. You cannot help but be attracted to the vibrant colours. The handles, zipper and side trim are made from cow's leather which add quality detailing to this already unusual bag. The bags fabric also features brass studs which gives it a 3D effect.
If I had a penny for the number of people who asked me "Where did you get that". At half the price £22.50.... this is a bag well worth having. Available from Munique Fashions while stocks last.
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