How idiotic civilization is! Why be given a body if you have to keep it shut up in a case like a rare, rare fiddle? ~Katherine Mansfield, Bliss and Other Stories
Almost always it is the fear of being ourselves that brings us to the mirror. ~Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943, translated from Spanish by W.S. Merwin
Forgiveness is the sweetest revenge. ~Isaac Friedmann

Every civilization is, among other things, an arrangement for domesticating the passions and setting them to do useful work. ~Aldous Huxley Every civilization is, among other things, an arrangement for domesticating the passions and setting them to do useful work. ~Aldous Huxley

The man who looks for security, even in the mind, is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artificial ones which will give him no pain or trouble. ~Henry Miller

A daughter is a day brightener and a heart warmer. ~Author Unknown
I have seen my kid struggle into the kitchen in the morning with outfits that need only one accessory: an empty gin bottle. ~Erma Bombeck
Food for thought is no substitute for the real thing. ~Walt Kelly
There is nothing more dangerous than history used as a defense, or history used for preaching; history used as a tool is no longer history. ~Marcel Trudel
Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that's right is to get by, and the only thing that's wrong is to get caught. ~J.C. Watts
It is an old habit with theologians to beat the living with the bones of the dead. ~Robert G. Ingersoll
I have accepted fear as a part of life - specifically the fear of change.... I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back. ~Erica Jong
In the Halls of Justice the only justice is in the halls. ~Lenny Bruce

Now, what is it which makes a scene interesting? If you see a man coming through a doorway, it means nothing. If you see him coming through a window - that is at once interesting. ~Billy Wilder

Man loves company even if it is only that of a small burning candle. ~Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
Of all debts, men are least willing to pay their taxes; what a satire this is on government. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations. ~Faith Baldwin
Easy reading is damn hard writing. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

When I was a Boy Scout, we played a game when new Scouts joined the troop. We lined up chairs in a pattern, creating an obstacle course through which the new Scouts, blindfolded, were supposed to maneuver. The Scoutmaster gave them a few moments to study the pattern before our adventure began. But as soon as the victims were blindfolded, the rest of us quietly removed the chairs. I think life is like this game. Perhaps we spend our lives avoiding obstacles we have created for ourselves and in reality exist only in our minds. We're afraid to apply for that job, take violin lessons, learn a foreign language, call an old friend, write our Congressman - whatever it is that we would really like to do but don't because of personal obstacles. Don't avoid any chairs until you run smack into one. And if you do, at least you'll have a place to sit down. ~Pierce Vincent Eckhart
Now and then it is a joy to have one's table red with wine and roses. ~Oscar Wilde
I think a photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it. ~Author Unknown
Only think of two things - the gun and the tape. When you hear the one, just run like hell until you break the other. ~Sam Mussabini
When men grow virtuous in their old age, they only make a sacrifice to God of the devil's leavings. ~Jonathan Swift, Thoughts on Various Subjects, 1711
The human story does not always unfold like a mathematical calculation on the principle that two and two make four. Sometimes in life they make five or minus three; and sometimes the blackboard topples down in the middle of the sum and leaves the class in disorder and the pedagogue with a black eye. ~Winston Churchill
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